Brand: | GIMIDO |
Product Code: | GIMIDO Affordable Enail |
Availability: | 855 |
We sell enails since 2013. This enail works well. Heat fast, GIMIDO want every one have one enail. So we promos this enail. Hope every one own one.
GIMIDO Affordable Enail for dabbing. It's normal enail for dabbing,Have all basic function for dabbing. Easy to adjust temperature, only push up or down key for adjust temperature.
This Affordable Enail with one coil,ID16mm,ID20mm or Flat coil. The flat one is best one, more area to transfer the heat.
Heat up 710F(Max. Temp 1100F) immediately, no overshoot, when close to target temperature, the pid heat up slowly.
And Affordable Enail will drop down 10-20F when you dabbing, depond on what nail you use(Ti nail, Ceramic Nail or Quartz Nail).
If your nails drop more when dabbing, you should adjust the pid settings.
If you need help, you can contact us, by email: or KIK(gimido).
Color Cases:
Front & Black panels are black, Bottom & Top cases are colors.
Two Temperature Display.
Simple setup and operation
Screen size (PID Screen size)
Screen type
Display colors
Connectors and cables
Electrical requirements
Environmental requirements
Size and weight